
Does the Next.js Rendering Host performance depend on available CPU count of the Kubernetes pod and defining HPA rule

Overview Nextjs is a modern and widely accepted JAMStack friendly React framework and is part of Sitecore’s headless development suite. It offers various benefits such as improved Performance, enhanced SEO capabilities , data fetching at component level as well as features like SSG, SSR and ISR etc., Implementing Sitecore Nextjs Rendering Host on Kubernetes entails…

Automating the Sitecore Content Migration: Choosing between SCS and SPE Remote Package Creation for seamless integration with Azure Pipeline

Problem Sitecore Content Serialization serves below multiple purposes, However, an issue arises when dealing with a large volume of items with the scope ItemAndDescendants, leading to BadGateway issues and CM also runs out of memory. Despite attempting various solutions, such as adjusting the apiClientTimeoutInMinutes, disabling the versionComparision in user.json file, utilizing the latest version of…

Handling URL Redirects in a Headless Sitecore Multisite solution running in Kubernetes using NGINX

URL Redirection is a commonly used technique for redirecting website visitors from one URL to another, typically with appropriate HTTP status code as a response. Redirects are potentially important for maintaining good SEO scores of a website. In the context of Sitecore solutions hosted in Azure WebApps, there are couple of traditional approaches to handle…

My SUGCON 2023 Takeaways

Like last year, I have had a chance to participate this years SUGCON 2023 at Malaga, Spain both as a Speaker and as a participant 😊. It was a great two day event packed with lot of interesting sessions. This year I had a privilege to present a talk along with my friend Ram on…

An overall experience in creating the Vercel Integration Application for Sitecore XM Cloud and different APIs

Overview Each year Valtech organises an internal Sitecore Hackathon to brainstrom, share the knowledge, ideate, work together and to bring something innovative. For this year’s hackathon 2022, we as a team have created an XM Cloud Vercel Integration Application that allows you to seamlessly perform deployments with just some button clicks. In this blog, we…

Using SWR Library in Sitecore Headless Next JS Apps for data fetching

For any web application, the data fetching logics are essential and it always has some constant improvements from normal Ajax requests to some modern techniques like axios, fetch, request in the way how the remote data are fetched for a component to work. In this post, we will be seeing how to use the awesome…

Component Level Data Fetching using GraphQL in Next Js Applications

Overview There may be a scenario where we have to fetch the component data within the component itself like a Product Grid etc., Because we may want to have this components to behave independently and to have it less coupled from the page level data. With this in mind, the Component Level Data fetching would…


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